csa paper presentation grants

The Cervantes Society of America announces a new grant competition for graduate students and nontenure-track scholars (including adjunct, visiting, retired faculty; post-doctoral fellows, clinical or teaching instructors). This grant, valued at $500, supports presentations at MLA, RSA, or any other international, national, or regional conference focusing on the life and works of Miguel de Cervantes. 

Eligibility Window:
Presentations scheduled between October 31, 2023, and August 31, 2024. 

Application Deadline:
October 15, 2023 

Application Eligibility:

Applicants must satisfy the following criteria both at the time of application and during the conference presentation: 

• Be a member in good standing with the Cervantes Society of America.

• Be a graduate student or nontenure-track scholar. 

Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received a CSA conference grant. Please note that this grant operates on a reimbursement basis. Payments are issued post-conference upon receipt submission. 

Application Materials:

The application consists of the following:

1. Cover page with

a. Name
b. Current affiliation, rank, address, and email
c. Education: university, degree program, year of completion (or current year in program for graduate students)
d. Name of graduate advisor (graduate students only)
e. Conference presentation title
f. Conference name, date, and location
g. Explanation of the grant's importance to your professional development and research (max. 300 words)
h. Budget (Include transportation, lodging, meals, and registration. Exclude member dues. Ensure costs are reasonable and not duplicated.)
i. Other sources of financing (List all scholarships, grants, etc.)
j. Previous CSA grants: If applicable, indicate amounts and years.

2. Documentation that your conference paper has been formally accepted (in certain circumstances, grants may be awarded pending receipt of this formal acceptance.)

3. Abstract of your conference paper (300 words maximum)

4. Graduate students only: a letter of support from your advisor

Please submit your application as a single PDF file via email to: Professor David A. Boruchoff, Managing Director of the Cervantes Society of America

Email: cervantes.society.america@gmail.com